Pidgin rap artist Magugu launched his new EP at Cardiff's Le Mandela restaurant on monday the 7th of September.

Pidgin rap artist Magugu launched his new EP at Cardiff's Le Mandela restaurant on monday the 7th of September. It was a semi private event mostly consisting of friends, supporters, other artists and some well wishers.
Amongst those that graced the event are D.J Nick Richards and Abi Davies, model/dancers - Caroline Olanewajie, Tayo Sanwo and Kyria Francis

Also there was Shanique Pearce, Ellice and Asha Jane ( Emkai Models), Holly Jenkins and Shanique Pearce, Dave Ball of Creative Wales and Vicki Ball of Creative Cardiff, both organizations are involved in the funding of the project

Musical artist Ez Rah and musical producer who was involved in the video production Zippy. Music and video producer, Zippy attended with his family, Asha Bray and 4 month old Zebedee. Music and dance performer and activist Oloye. were at the event and also attending were Deborah Yende, British sprinter, Debo and TJ

Magugu performed some of his tracks at the launch of his new EP at Mandela's. It was really a fun night as everyone got dancing and singing along.
Magugu presented plaques to British sprinter Debo Ademuyewo and producer Zippy who he said had been there for him all through.
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